Journal of Applied Science and Engineering

Published by Tamkang University Press


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Zon-Yee Yang1

1Department of Civil Engineering Tamkang University, Tamsui, Taiwan 25137, R.O.C.


Received: November 14, 1996
Accepted: June 24, 1997
Publication Date: June 24, 1997

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The debris particles may be gradually produced by the fault sliding. In this paper, the debris particles are simulated by ellipsoids to investigate the regularly stick-slip behavior. The derivation of the mathematical formulas is based on the force equilibrium and the geometric relationship between elliptical particles. Two main conclusions show as follows:(1) The relative shear behavior between particles under low normal stress can explain the stick-slip phenomena. (2) The particle size is approximate to the average shear displacement in every stick-slip cycle.

Keywords: stick-slip, elliptical particle, shear behavior.


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