Journal of Applied Science and Engineering

Published by Tamkang University Press


Impact Factor



Journal of Applied Science and Engineering (JASE) is included in Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)COMPENDEX PLUS (EI), and SCOPUS, accepting original research articles in all disciplines of science and engineering. Manuscripts are submitted through Online Submission & Peer Review Service for review with the understanding that they have not been published elsewhere. The author(s) will be responsible for proofreading the paper. Author(s) are required to prepare their manuscripts in either word or latex format. Template files are available below. 

WORD Template Download here: Download

LaTex Template Download here: Download

Important Information for Manuscript formatting and JASE requirements before submission

  1. Cover letter. In the letter, the authors should identify the research categories of the manuscript.  Also, four reviewers with their academic email addresses (with at least two from countries other than yours) should be suggested for your manuscript. Please include up-to-date information on the academic email address, title, and the institution of the suggested reviewers.

  2. Article types. Please check the journal's requirements with regard to article types.

  3. General. Manuscripts must be in a double-spaced one-column format with wide margins. A 12 pt Times new Romans font is required. To facilitate the review process, the continuous line numbers should be inserted in the text of the manuscript. Both templates for WORD format and Latex format are available for download above.

  4. Paper Length. The Editors advocate brevity in Research Papers, with a word limit of 7000 words, encompassing text, references, figures, and tables. Each figure and table is considered equivalent to 300 words. Furthermore, the total number of figures and tables combined should not exceed 10. 

  5. File format. Both Word and PDF are acceptable formats for submission. For the final version after being accepted, we accept Word file or Latex format.

  6. Manuscript Title page. Including title and all contact details of the authors (Institution, Full postal address, Fax Number, and Email address) with the corresponding author identified. Titles should include sufficient detail but be limited below 80 characters (including spaces).  

  7. Abstracts. Abstracts should not exceed 250 words, and should not contain any references.

  8. Keywords. 4-6 keywords must be included on a separate line below the main abstract. Avoiding keywords already used in the title to optimize searching.

  9. Text. All Images, Figures, and Tables are embedded in the manuscript file where cited. Follow this order when composing manuscripts: Title, Authors, Affiliations, Abstract, Keywords, Text, Acknowledgements, References, Appendix.

  10. Illustrations. All illustrations, including figures and tables, must be professionally rendered and suitable for reproduction. Words, numbers, and symbols should be large and clear enough to remain legible when the figure is reduced to column width (approx. 8 cm). Each table should have a brief, concise title, and indicate units clearly.

  11. Equations and Mathematical Formulas. Equations should be typed and numbered serially on the right-hand side by Arabic numerals in parentheses, and camera-ready. Superscripts and subscripts should be indicated clearly.

  12. Nomenclature. All symbols and units in English or Greek might be indicated of their meaning and dimensions in the text and/or in a list in alphabetical order.

  13. References. It is the author’s responsibility to ensure the accuracy of the references. Please make sure that the references are in the correct order in the text. All references should be indicated consecutively in the text by square brackets (for example, [1-3, 5, 8-10]). The complete list of references should be collected at the end of the paper in the following Chicago Style citation format:

Journal Paper

          [1] Li, C. W., M. M. Benjamin, and G. V. Korshin, (2000) “Use of UV Spectroscopy to Characterize the  Reaction between NOM and Free Chlorine,” Environmental Science and Technology 34(12), 2570-2575.


         [2] Benjamin, M. M., (2002) Water Chemistry, 1st ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, Chapter 3.

       Conference paper

         [3] Li, C. W., C. H. Chiu, Y. C. Lee, C. H. Chang, Y. H. Lee, and Y. M. Chen, (2008) Integration of Ceramic Membrane and Compressed Air-Assisted Solvent Extraction (CAXE) for Cr(VI) Recovery, Proc. of 2008 IWA North American Membrane Research Conference, Amherst, U.S.A., 101-108.

   14. Units. Use SI units.

   15. Editorial criteria and Peer review processes. All research articles, review articles, and technical reports published in JASE undergo full peer review by associate editors and reviewers. JASE operates a single anonymized review process.

  • Submission and screening: 

    Once a manuscript is submitted, technical checking will be performed to make sure of the manuscript's composition and arrangement against the journal’s Author Guidelines by the journal’s editorial office. Plagiarism checking using commercial software (Turnitin) will be conducted. Manuscripts with a score of > 20% in the similarity index will be rejected. The time for the screening step is within one day.

  • Editorial assignment and assessment: 

    Once this screening phase is complete, manuscripts will be screened by one of the Chief Editors. At this point, the manuscript may be rejected if deemed unsuitable for the journal in terms of focus. Manuscripts that pass the editorial assessment will be assigned to one of the associate Editors. Manuscripts will be rejected without sending out for peer review if the associate editor thinks that the novelty and impact of the manuscripts are limited.  Editors are not involved in decisions for papers that they have written themselves or have been written by family members or colleagues in which the editor is related. The time for this step is within a week.

  • Peer review: 

    Associate Editors will invite at least two reviewers for each manuscript. The invited reviewers should give an honest and exact analysis of the research. In the referrers’ reports, reviewers are asked to summarize the manuscript, give constructive analysis, and suggest accepting, reconsidering after revision, or rejecting the manuscript. The main role of the reviewers is to analyze the merits and the demerits and to provide necessary suggestions to increase the quality of the work. The time for this step is around 4 weeks.

  •  Making decision:  

    Once the required referrers’ reports are collected, Associate Editor will read the referrers’ reports and make one of the following decisions:

    • Accept
    • Minor revision
    • Major revision
    • Reject

    The Associate Editor’s decision along with his comments will be directed to the Chief Editor who will read the reports and make the final decision. The final decision will be sent to authors if the Chief Editor agrees on the decision of the Associate Editor. The decision will be rescinded if the Chief Editor is against the decision of the Associate Editor, and the manuscript will be sent back to the Associate Editor for reconsideration. The time for this step is within one day.

  •  Revision Process: 

    Authors should send the revised manuscripts with the changes highlighted and a separate file with the point-by-point response of the reviewers’ comments to the journal office. Once the revised manuscripts are received, the original Associate Editor will be assigned, and the reviewer(s) from the previous reviewing round will be invited.  




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