S. Dey1 , S. Gupta This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.1, A. K. Gupta2 , S. K. Kar1 and P. K. De1
1Department of Applied Mathematics Indian School of Mines Dhanbad − 826004, Jharkhand, India. 2Department of Applied Geophysics Indian School of Mines Dhanbad − 826004, Jharkhand, India
Received: June 19, 2003 Accepted: October 6, 2003 Publication Date: December 1, 2003
The paper studies the possibility of propagation of torsional surface waves in an elastic layer with void pores over an elastic medium with void pores using the mechanics of the medium as derived by Cowin and Nunziato. The velocity equation has been derived and the results have been discussed. The study reveals that there may be more than one torsional surface wave fronts and one Love wave front in the medium. It is also observed that in the absence of superficial layer, the elastic half space with void pores allows torsional surface waves, to the contrary, that elastic half space without pores does not do so.
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