Journal of Applied Science and Engineering

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Tao Hou1 , Yuhu Chen This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.1 , Yannan Chen1 , and Caiwen Bao1

1School of Automation and Electrical Engineering, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou 730070, China


Received: January 7, 2021
Accepted: March 28, 2021
Publication Date: August 1, 2021

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Aiming at the low power level of the two-level Z-source inverter, the current and voltage harmonic distortion rate is high, the output power quality is low, The diode Neutral Point Clamp (NPC) three-level Z source inverter has insufficient boost capacity, and the capacitor voltage stress is low, the Z source network of the three-level inverter is improved and applied to photovoltaic grid-connected. In order to speed up the dynamic response speed of the quasi-Z-source photovoltaic grid-connected system, and for the quasi-Z-source photovoltaic gridconnected system with the existing current inner loop control output harmonic distortion rate is high, and the steady-state error is large. the power feedforward bacterial foraging proportional complex integral (BFOA-PCI) control method is put foreward. The system about this method reduces the steady-state error through the PCI controller, and adds the bacterial foraging optimization proportional coefficient KP and integral coefficient Ki , makes KP and Ki any the optimal conditions can be achieved, and introduces the output power feedforward of the photovoltaic array in the voltage outer loop, and its output is used as the reference value of the current inner loop. The method speeds up the system’s response changes to the external environment, reduces the harmonic distortion rate, improves steady-state accuracy and the output power quality.

Keywords: Boost, Capacitor Voltage Stress,Power Feedforward, Bacterial Foraging Optimization Algorithm, PCI


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