Journal of Applied Science and Engineering

Published by Tamkang University Press


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Jingjing DaiThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.1 and Xiaodong Jia2

1School of Civil Engineering, Chongqing Institute of Engineering, Chongqing 400056, China
2School of Urban Construction Engineering, Chongqing Technology and Business Institute, Chongqing 400052, China


Received: June 16, 2022
Accepted: October 7, 2022
Publication Date: November 22, 2022

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An effective way to improve the rutting resistance of asphalt pavement is to increase the modulus of the middle surface layer of the asphalt mixture. However, the fatigue performance of high-modulus asphalt mixtures hinders this development. In this study, we enhanced the fatigue property of high-modulus asphalt mixtures by adding basalt fiber. Marshall tests were performed to evaluate the effect of the basalt fiber and a high-modulus modifier on various Marshall test results. The results were analyzed and compared with the performance of SBS-modified (Styrene-Butylene-Styrene) asphalt mixes. Adding basalt fiber increased the asphalt-aggregate ratio, decreased the density, and reduced air voids in the mixture. The stability also slightly increased, and the flow slightly decreased. Moreover, 0.2% basalt fiber increased the fatigue resistance of high-modulus asphalt mixture 1.9 times, and this improvement increases with the increasing basalt content. The elastic modulus of basalt fiber is considerably higher than that of asphalt; therefore, the proportion of stiffer components in the asphalt mastic was higher after mixing. Furthermore, basalt fiber absorbs oil (asphalt); accordingly, the increased asphalt content slightly enhanced the fatigue resistance of the mixture.

Keywords: Basalt fiber, fatigue performance, high-modulus asphalt mixture, mixture ratio design


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