Journal of Applied Science and Engineering

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Satish T. Rathod and Kalpana PawarThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Department of Mathematics, Shri R. R. Lahoti Science College, Morshi-444905, Dist. Amravati, M. S., India


Received: January 11, 2023
Accepted: March 1, 2023
Publication Date: June 12, 2023

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In this paper, we have studied the Einstein Field equation in Kaluza-Klein space-time in five dimension with the metric dS2 = dt2 − A2 (dx2 + dy2 + dz2)− B22 under the assumption that B = αt, where α = Constant and scale factor satisfying the relation R4 = A3B with perfect fluid having energy momentum tensor Tij = (ρ + p)vivj − pgij
In this paper, we have assumed that G =|1/t and we have found the value of cosmological constant Λ is a function time t in terms of hyper geometric function.


Keywords: Kaluza-Klein space-time in five-dimension, perfect fluid, Hypergeometric Function, variable cosmological

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