Journal of Applied Science and Engineering

Published by Tamkang University Press


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Rong-Jaye Chen1, Ting-Yu Lin1, and Yi-Bing Lin1

1Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Chiao-Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan


Received: March 1, 1999
Accepted: August 9, 1999
Publication Date: September 1, 1999

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This paper proposes three wake-up approaches to reduce the battery power consumption for a mobile multimedia handset. These approaches switch the system into the sleep mode when the memory queue for the arriving packets is empty. Depending on the approaches, various wake-up mechanisms are considered. The threshold approach switches on the system when the number of packets in the memory queue is above a threshold. The vacation approach wakes up the system when the vacation time expires. The hybrid approach turns on the system either when the memory queue length is above the threshold or when the vacation time expires. Our study indicates that the threshold approach effectively reduces the switch-on rate, while the vacation approach has the lowest mean packet waiting time. To keep both the switch-on rate and the mean packet waiting time below some reasonable small values , the hybrid approach should be selected.

Keywords: Packet-dropping probability, Power consumption, Sleep mode, Switch-on rate, Threshold, Vacation, Wake-up mechanism, Wireless multimedia


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