Jung-Tang Huang1 , Shao-Yo Hou2 , Chia-Ching Lin1 , Yu-Jen Lai 1 and Wei-Sheng Chang1 1Institute of Mechatronics Engineering National Taipei University of Technology Taipei, Taiwan 106, R.O.C.
2Department of Chemical Engineering National Taipei University of Technology Taipei, Taiwan 106, R.O.C.
January 15, 2004
March 4, 2004
Publication Date:
June 1, 2004
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This study developed a novel universal platform for developing integrated electrokinetics-base biochips. The purpose of the platform is to provide a standard for modulizing the experiment chip. The chip is using microscope slides (75 ´ 38 ´ 1 mm) as substrate and patterning the electrode array on the slides to connect the signal controller with ISA (Industry Standard Architecture) bus slot. The control devices are using 8255 (Programmable Peripheral Interface) IC and relays to switch the signal source and program control. Then through computer and using Microsoft Access we can test any combination of experiment procedures and the electrode patterns.ABSTRACT
Micro Electrode, Electrokinetics, Micro-TAS