Journal of Applied Science and Engineering

Published by Tamkang University Press


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Björn Schünemann This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.1, Jan W. Wedel1 and Ilja Radusch1

1Technische Universität Berlin, OKS/Daimler Center for Automotive IT Innovations, Ernst-Reuter-Platz 7, 10587 Berlin, Germany


Received: January 8, 2010
Accepted: February 25, 2010
Publication Date: March 1, 2010

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Finding a way to improve traffic efficiency is a high-frequented problem to be solved. One new promising approach is the use of decentralized wireless vehicle to vehicle communication based on the Vehicle-2-X (V2X) technology. The underlying idea is that vehicles share information about their current local traffic situation and use this information to optimize their routes. In this paper, we introduce a new algorithm that can be used by navigation systems to calculate routes circumnavigating congested roads. To evaluate the improvements that can be achieved by our algorithm, simulations have been carried out which show that navigation systems using the V2X technology for a more intelligent route calculation can improve the traffic efficiency of future transport systems. For the simulation of all aspects of V2X Communication scenarios, different simulators have to be combined and an interaction among them at runtime of the simulation has to be enabled. Hence, we have developed the V2X Simulation Runtime Infrastructure (VSimRTI) which couples discrete eventbased simulators, e.g. for communication network, traffic, and V2X application simulation. The flexibility of VSimRTI allows us to vary the composition of integrated simulators depending on the specific requirements of a scenario.

Keywords: Vehicle-2-X Communication, V2X, Simulation, V2X Simulation Runtime Infrastructure, VSimRTI


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