Journal of Applied Science and Engineering

Published by Tamkang University Press


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Cherdvong Saengsupavanich  1

1Faculty of International Maritime Studies, Kasetsart University, Sri Racha Campus, Tungsukla, Sri Racha, Chonburi, 20230, Thailand


Received: March 5, 2018
Accepted: September 24, 2018
Publication Date: March 1, 2019

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Chiang Saen Commercial Port, Thailand is located on the Mekong River. The port experienced poor water quality within its basin during dry season. The limited water circulation in the port originated fromthe ever-growing large sand dune at the port entrance and the shape of the port itself.A proposal to enhance the water flow was evaluated involving the excavation of the floodway, letting the water from the Sobkok River push the water out of the basin. Asoftware package (MIKE21 HD) was utilized to investigate the floodway modification. The research began with detailed bathymetric mapping. The topography of the floodway was surveyed along with water level variations during normal and dry seasons. Water current characteristics were gathered for model calibration purposes. After acceptable model calibration was achieved, five scenarios were investigated. It was found that the floodway could significantly enhance the water circulation inside the basin if it was excavated deeper than 3 meters from the existing level. This paper considers the real-world problem and stresses the role of careful planning so that decisions can be made for the better environment.

Keywords: Water Circulation, Port, Mathematical Modelling, Environmental Management, Thailand


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