Journal of Applied Science and Engineering

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Alexander Nikolaevich Belyaev1, Vladimir Pavlovich Shatsky2, Vyacheslav Gennadievich Kozlov This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.3, Tatiana Vladimirovna Trishina1, and Irina Alevtinovna Vysotskaya4

1Department of Applied Mechanics, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, Voronezh State Agrarian University named after Emperor Peter the Great, 1 Michurina ave., Voronezh, 394087, Russian Federation
2Department of Mathematics and Physics, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, Voronezh State Agrarian University named after Emperor Peter the Great, 1 Michurina ave., Voronezh, 394087, Russian Federation
3Department of Operation of Transport and Technological Machines, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, Voronezh State Agrarian University named after Emperor Peter the Great, 1 Michurina ave., Voronezh, 394087, Russian Federation
4Department of Mathematics, Military Training and Research Center of the Air Force “Air Force Academy named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Y.A. Gagarin”, 54A Bolsheviks str., Voronezh, 394064, Russian Federation


Received: August 11, 2021
Accepted: November 27, 2021
Publication Date: December 17, 2021

 Copyright The Author(s). This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are cited.

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The most complete presentation of stability of curvilinear motion of wheeled vehicle is provided by variations of motion path of its kinematic center and turn coordinates: maximum abscissa and ordinate showing both transversal and longitudinal deviations of vehicle, including those determining its flexibility and capacity. The methods of motion of wheeled vehicle are selected on the basis of specific operation conditions. This article describes derivation of explicit equations for analytical prediction of theoretical coordinates of path points of wheeled vehicle kinematic center upon loop-free circulation cornering. The derivation is based on parametric equation for determination of current coordinates of theoretical curve of entering corner and circumference, as well as smoothness condition and path continuity at the sites of their junction. The proposed equations made it possible to determine theoretical path of total cycle of loop-free circulation cornering of wheeled vehicl as a function of the following parameters: design related – axle base, distance between kingpins, maximum turn angles of internal steered wheels, and operation related – vehicle forward speed, angular turning speed of steered wheels in transverse plane, as well as to analyze and to compare the most universal methods of cornering: by front steered wheel and by front and rear wheel by their turning in opposite directions with regard to frame.

Keywords: curvilinear motion, rotation, trajectory, clothoid, vehicle


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