Journal of Applied Science and Engineering

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Lobes HerdimanThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Susy Susmartini, Taufiq Rochman, and Faradhiya Artanty

Department of Industrial Engineering, Laboratory of Product Planning and Design Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia



Received: November 27, 2023
Accepted: June 10, 2024
Publication Date: July 11, 2024

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This study will use Kinovea videography techniques to use a walker trainer in children with diplegic cerebral palsy (CDCP) so that it can be suggested for walking therapy. This study included six CDCPs from the Rehabilitation Center Clinic of the Yayasan Pembinaan Anak Cacat in Surakarta, Indonesia. The accuracy of using a walker trainer will determine the success rate of walking therapy and improve the quality of life of CDCP with lower extremity motor deficits. Therapists in CDCP gait assessment (GA) prioritize subjective perception. Objective measures of GA are rarely reported, potentially leading to assessment errors. CDCP conducts an objective gait to adjust for therapist constraints and the Kinovea videography. Quantitative measurements of gait function on CDCP include gait parameters and body flexion: arm, trunk, and knee, which will provide a comprehensive analysis of GA. This study will use the Kinovea videography technique to analyze GA and body flexion in CDCP, with tests using the anterior walker (AW) and suspension walker (SW) to assess walking progress. The quantitative value of movement detection utilizing Kinovea is determined by videographic recording, allowing CDCP rehabilitation progress. The t-test statistic was used to compare CDCP individual functional data, including gait and body flexion parameters, with a p-value ​<0.05 considered statistically significant. The study’s findings and videography show that the sagittal plane of GA improves individual functions, and SW improves walking ability by 70% and body posture by 20%. Finally, the Kinovea-based videography approach improved GA for CDCP’s accuracy when using the walker trainer.

Keywords: Kinovea, Gait assessment, children with diplegia cerebral palsy, walker trainer

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